Prevalence of Illicit Drug Use in Germany

Prevalence of Illegal Drug Use in Germany




Lifetime DAS 2011 12-17 7.2% 344,000
ESA 2009 18-64 26.7% 13,812,000
DAS 2008 12-17 10.0% 508,000
ESA 2006 18-64 23.7% 12,270,000
12 Months DAS 2011 12-17 4.9% 234,000
ESA 2009 18-64 5.1% 2,638,000
DAS 2008 12-17 7.4% 376,000
ESA 2006 18-64 5.0% 2,589,000
30 Days DAS 2011 12-17 2.0% 95,000
ESA 2009 18-64 2.6% 1,345,000
DAS 2008 12-17 2.8% 142,000
ESA 2006 18-64 2.5% 1,294,000

DAS: Drogenaffinitaetsstudie der BZgA (Drug affinity study of the Federal Centre for Health Education)
ESA: Europaeische Suchtstudie (frueher Bundesstudie) (Epidemiological Survey on Addiction)