Admissions to Treatment for Alcohol with Secondary Drug Use in the US, 2012

"• Admissions for primary abuse of alcohol with secondary abuse of drugs represented 18 percent of TEDS admissions aged 12 and older in 2012 [Table 1.1b].
"• The average age at admission for primary alcohol with secondary drug abuse was lower, at 37 years, than for abuse of alcohol alone (41 years) [Table 2.1a].
"• Non-Hispanic Whites accounted for 58 percent of admissions for primary alcohol with secondary drug abuse (41 percent were males and 17 percent were females). Non-Hispanic Blacks made up 23 percent of admissions (18 percent were males and 6 percent were females) [Table 2.3a].
"• Almost half (45 percent) of admissions for primary alcohol with secondary drug abuse first became intoxicated by age 14, and 93 percent first became intoxicated before age 21 (the legal drinking age) [Table 2.5].
"• Admissions for primary alcohol with secondary drug abuse were less likely to be in treatment for the first time than alcohol-only admissions (35 vs. 46 percent) [Table 2.5].
"• Among admissions referred to treatment by the criminal justice/DUI source, admissions for alcohol with secondary drug abuse were more likely than alcohol-only admissions to have been referred to treatment as a condition of probation/parole (30 vs. 17 percent) [Table 2.6].
"• Among admissions for alcohol with secondary drug abuse, marijuana and smoked cocaine were the most frequently reported secondary substances (25 percent and 8 percent, respectively) [Table 3.8]."


Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration, Center for Behavioral Health Statistics and Quality. Treatment Episode Data Set (TEDS): 2002-2012. National Admissions to Substance Abuse Treatment Services. BHSIS Series S-71, HHS Publication No. (SMA) 14-4850. Rockville, MD: Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration, 2014, pp. 14-15.……
