Prevalence of Drug Use Among Youth in Scotland, by Gender

"Ever used drugs (includes used drugs more than a year ago, in the last year and in the last month).
"Around one in five 15 year olds and a minority of 13 year olds reported ever having used drugs, with boys more likely than girls to have ever used drugs.
"• Eighteen per cent of 15 year olds and 4% of 13 year olds reported ever taking drugs.
"• Boys were more likely than girls to have ever used drugs (5% compared with 3% among 13 year olds and 19% compared with 16% for 15 year olds).

"Used drugs in the last year (includes used drugs in the last month).
"Less than one in five 15 year olds and a minority of 13 year olds reported using drugs in the last year, with boys more likely than girls to have used drugs in the last year.
"• Sixteen per cent of 15 year olds and 3% of 13 year olds said they had used drugs in the last year.
"• Boys were more likely than girls to report drug use in the last year (4% compared with 3% among 13 year olds and 17% compared with 14% among 15 year olds).

"Used drugs in the last month.
"Less than one in ten 15 year olds and a minority of 13 year olds had used drugs in the month prior to the survey, with 15 year old boys more likely than 15 year old girls to have used drugs in the last month.
"• Nine per cent of 15 year olds and 2% of 13 year olds reported taking drugs in the last month.
"• Among 15 year olds, boys were more likely than girls to have used drugs in the last month (11% compared with 8%).

"Never used drugs.
"The majority of pupils reported that they have never taken drugs, with the proportion who had never taken drugs decreasing with age.
"• Eighty-two per cent of 15 year olds and 96% of 13 year olds had never used drugs."


Scottish Schools Adolescent Lifestyle and Substance Use Survey (SALSUS): Drug Use Among 13 and 15 Year Olds in Scotland 2013. NHS National Services Scotland, 2014.……
