Drug Offenses by Offense Type in Hungary 2011

"In 2013 among all registered drug offences the proportion of demand-related perpetrations was 87.8% (4,868 cases), and the proportion of supply-related perpetrations was 12.2% (677 cases). In the two previous years demand/supply related perpetrations occurred in these same proportions among the drug-related offences. (ST11_2014_HU_01)
"Within demand related perpetrations, other perpetrations, as designated by the law, occurred in 10 cases (9 cases of punishable preparation, 1 case of supplying material equipment). Within supply related perpetrations, 1 case of punishable preparation, 2 cases of supplying material equipment and 78 cases of inciting substance abuse were recorded.
"On examining classical illicit drugs, in the case of all substance types the proportion of demand-type perpetrations was around 90%."


Drog Fókuszpont, "2014 National Report (2013 Data) to the EMCDDA by the Reitox National Focal Point - Hungary: New Development, Trends" (Budapest, Hungary: Drog Focuszpont 2014), p. 83.