Colombia's National Anti-Drug Strategy

Laws and Policies

"Colombia reports that the National Development Plan 2007-2010, “A National Community, Development for All,” was adopted by Law 1151 from 2007 and establishes the anti-drug guidelines, which include activities and strategies aimed at guaranteeing control of the territory, and at combating drugs and organized crime. The Plan defines, under the chapter covering defense and democratic security, the main pillars of the anti-drug strategy, which include: control of illicit crops; alternative development; air, sea, river and land interdiction; controlling the traffic of firearms and chemical precursors; management of the extradition policy and strengthening of the mechanisms related to the judicial investigations process; restructuring the National Narcotics Directorate, forfeiture of assets and control of money laundering; consolidation of the prevention in the use of psychoactive substances by decentralization; a shared responsibility policy; and positioning Colombia on multilateral, decision-making forums in the area of illicit drugs."


"Colombia: Evaluation of Progress in Drug Control 2007-2009." Organization of American States (OAS) Inter-American Drug Abuse Control Commission (CICAD) Multilateral Evaluation Mechanism (MEM). Washington, DC: January 2011. OAS/Ser.L/XIV.2.48, CICAD/docx.1843/10, p. 5.…