Homelessness and Substance Abuse in Sweden, 2012

"A national mapping of homelessness9 in Sweden, which was conducted in April 2011 shows an increase in the number of homeless people – from approximately 18,000 in 2005 to 34,000 in 2011(Socialstyrelsen, 2011a). The large increase in reported homeless people mainly concerns people who live in relatively long-term housing solutions, such as training flats and apartments with social contracts.
"About 13% of the reported homeless persons were judged to be in acute homelessness, where several individuals slept outside or in public places. About 16% received institutional care or lived in different forms of category housing. About 40% lived in long-term housing solutions and another 20% lived in short-term housing solutions organized by themselves (Socialstyrelsen, 2011a).
"The National Board of Health and Welfare has made an attempt to identify substance abuse among homeless people. Of all participants in the mapping 40% were judged to have drug and alcohol issues, of these subjects 21% were women and 79% men. Most common was alcohol abuse l [sic], 65 %, with psychostimulants
such as the amphetamines, cocaine being the second most used group of substances. About one third used mainly cannabinoids. Approximately one fifth also used opioids. Mental ill-health among substance abusers is also common, about half of those with mental ill-health issues also abuse various forms of substances. The biggest proportion of homeless people with substance abuse can geographically be found in the Gothenburg region (Socialstyrelsen, 2011a)."


Swedish National Institute of Public Health. "2013 National Report (2012 data) to the EMCDDA by the Reitox National Focal Point: Sweden: New Developments, Trends and in-depth information on selected issues." Östersund: Swedish National Institute of Public Health, 2013, p. 73.