Demographic Characteristics of People in the US Receiving 24-Hour Residential Mental Health Treatment Services

"Of the 65,324 clients who received residential mental health treatment services on April 29, 2016, 35 percent received services in RTCs for children and 27 percent received services in RTCs for adults.

"A greater proportion of clients who received residential mental health treatment services on April 29, 2016, were male (61 percent) than female. This finding is consistent with the gender composition of clients who received inpatient mental health treatment services.
"VA medical centers and public psychiatric hospitals had the highest proportions of males who received residential mental health treatment services (87 and 69 percent, respectively).

"As shown in Table 3.2a-b, clients between 18 and 64 years old accounted for 49 percent of all clients who received residential mental health treatment services on April 29, 2016, while 45 percent were age 17 or younger, and 5 percent were 65 years or older.

"Race information was missing or reported as unknown for 40 percent of clients who received residential mental health treatment services on April 29, 2016. White clients accounted for 37 percent of all those who received residential mental health treatment services, while 17 percent were Black or African American, 3 percent were two or more races, and clients who identified as Asian or as American Indian/Alaska Native comprised 1 percent each.
"As shown in Figure 3.4, all types of facilities provided residential mental health treatment services to higher percentages of White clients than Black or African American clients, except for partial hospitalization/day treatment facilities.

Ethnicity information was missing or reported as unknown for 36 percent of clients who received residential mental health treatment services. Clients who identified as Hispanic or Latino accounted for 8 percent of clients, while 56 percent did not identify as Hispanic or Latino."


Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration, National Mental Health Services Survey (N-MHSS): 2016. Data on Mental Health Treatment Facilities. BHSIS Series S-98, HHS Publication No. (SMA) 17-5049. Rockville, MD: Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration, 2017, pp. 26-28.……
