Hallucinogen New Psychoactive Substances

"Hallucinogen NPS are a diverse group of substances that alter an individual’s awareness of their surroundings, as well as their thought processes and perception, which can lead to substantial distortions of reality. They can be divided into two main types: dissociatives, which induce euphoria alongside a feeling of weightlessness and detachment from the body; and classic hallucinogens, which produce altered perception,15 causing cognitive and visual disturbances and an altered state of consciousness. Dissociative NPS (eg, methoxetamine) have similar effects to ketamine; psychedelic NPS (eg, 2C drugs, NBOME drugs) have similar effects to lysergic acid diethylamide (LSD) and natural products like psilocybin, but these effects can vary in duration, intensity, and type of experience. Hallucinogen NPS might be a powder, liquid, tablet, or capsule, or on blotter paper, and depending on the drug, are mostly swallowed, snorted, smoked, or injected."


Amy Peacock, PhD, Raimondo Bruno, PhD, Natasa Gisev, PhD, Prof Louisa Degenhardt, PhD, Prof Wayne Hall, PhD, Roumen Sedefov, MD, et al. New psychoactive substances: challenges for drug surveillance, control, and public health responses. The Lancet. Volume 394, Issue 10209, p1668-1684, November 02, 2019. Published:October 23, 2019.